The Keithley SourceMeter combines a precise, low-noise, highly stable DC power supply with a low-noise, highly repeatable, high-impedance multimeter. It has % basic accuracy with 5½-digit resolution. At 5½ digits, the SourceMeter delivers readings/second over the IEEE bus. At 4½ digits, it can read up to readings. The Keithley SourceMeter combines a precise, low-noise, highly stable DC power supply with a low-noise, highly repeatable, high-impedance multimeter. It has . · Keithley Series SMU instruments offer four-quadrant precision voltage and current source/load coupled with measurement now on a touchscreen user interface. These instruments can simultaneously source and measure current from 10 fA to 10 A pulse and/or voltage from nV to V, for W pulse and W DC total power.
from Keithley Instruments at Allied Electronics Automation. Description. Meter, Bench; W DC power source with digit multimeter; GPIB. Keithley Measuring Instruments SourceMeter Service manual ( pages) Keithley Measuring Instruments SourceMeter Quick start manual (46 pages) Keithley Measuring Instruments SourceMeter Operation user’s manual ( pages). Model W SourceMeter Service Manual Rev. A. Service information for the W SourceMeter, including verification, calibration, maintenance, and troubleshooting information.
Keithley accuracy specifications on newer electrometers, nanovoltmeters, DMMs, and SMU instruments are usually given over the. Keithley's SMU instruments include our Series Manual ohms only – except , , , for 2Ω range and , or for MΩ range. Keithley Instruments products are designed for use with electrical NOTE If the Model , , , or overheats, the output will trip and.