The Keithley Instruments Model is a rugged and versatile 6 1/2-digit resolution digital multimeter. It has % one-year basic DC voltage accuracy at 10V range and % one-year basic resistance accuracy at 10kΩ range. At 6 1/2 digits, the multimeter delivers 50 triggered RDGS/sec via the USB remote Interface. Model Calibration Manual. Introduction. This section introduces the calibration procedure for the Keithley Instruments Model 6½ -Digit Resolution Digital Multimeter. This procedure should be used whenever adjustment for the following functions is necessary: AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, and resistance. A G R E A T E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E Model 6 1/2-Digit Resolution Digital Multimeter User’s Manual Rev. D / September
Keithley How does one identify a burnt SMD resistor without service manual. I got my hands on a faulty Keithley digit DMM. The problem is that the voltage and resistance readings seem disconnected from the front sockets. Its clear something has gone wrong inside. After opening the case i identified two burnt SMD resistors. Model Calibration Manual Introduction This section introduces the calibration procedure for the Keithley Instruments Model 6½ -Digit Resolution Digital Multimeter. This procedure should be used whenever adjustment for the following functions is necessary: AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, and resistance. The Keithley Instruments Model is a rugged and versatile 6 1/2-digit resolution digital multimeter. It has % one-year basic DC voltage accuracy at 10V range and % one-year basic resistance accuracy at 10kΩ range. At 6 1/2 digits, the multimeter delivers 50 triggered RDGS/sec via the USB remote Interface.
We have new Keithley / bench digit Multimeters available. Thousands of model numbers in stock. Sell us your test equipment too! The Model USB Digital Multimeter is thenewest member of Keithley's family of high performance digital multimeters. Its high accuracy (38ppm), /2. The Keithley Instruments Model is a rugged and versatile 6 1/2-digit resolution digital multimeter. It has % one-year basic DC.